Monday, January 15, 2024

PURGE 2024 (6)


Never let it be said that this purge didn't hurt! This is where I started cutting into the meat of my collection and not just "clearing the fat" like in previous purges. 

I like this dice selection game. In fact it made my Top 100 more than once. But there's just better dice selection games in my colleciton now and this one wasn't hitting the table as much because of that, so I let it go. 

The ONLY reason for this purge was the production issue. I LOVED the game! But I couldn't get over how poor the prodcution was with the outer ring. Slightly bumping the game left us scrambling to put it center again. I can't believe what a massive goof that was! A goof that cause this game to be removed from my colleciton for good!

Whoa boy. This one will be hard to explian to my group when they realize its missing. This was one of their favorites. But after the 3rd adventure, I was finding the gme slightly repititive. Sure as coop's go it's fine. But really it boiled down to luck each time we won. Luck with dice rolls and luck for the different cards that would come out. Too much luck for me to keep on my shelf. 

Another game I loved but no one wants to play it with me anymore, so I let it go. It hurts because I loved this cartoon as a kid. It was one of the few card games I liked playing and it took up virtually no space on the shelf. But that wasn't enough to save it from the PURGE!!!
Beautiful game but one that I didn't see ever rising in my colleciton. It's very middle of the road and I already have too many games that are similiar so this was the first of them to leave me. 

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