Friday, January 26, 2024

The Summer Classic

 Probably the longest thing we had running before the Santa Bowl was this annual baseball game. it went on strong for about 7 to 9 years around Memorial Day before we finally stopped. 

It was the Youth vs the Adults and this time, I WAS on the Youth. It coincided with the annual Confederate Conference that went on the same weekend. Before the ball that evening, everyone would get together and play a game. 

It was a blast. But once the conference stopped, so did this tradition sadly. I believe it was the very next year that we started the Santa Bowl right after. 

Oddly enough, we even played a "fall classic" in September for a couple of years as well. Would I bring this back? Yes!!!

But the issue is we wouldn't have enough interest to get a game together so I'm not even going to try. 

Have a good weekend folks!

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