Monday, January 08, 2024

PURGE 2024 (1)

 It's time to announce the first round of games to be purged from my collection!

This first round was easier than the next one will be, simply because I can already identify reasons why the following had to go. 

Some surprises in here to be sure. I'd done this AFTER filming my "Top Board Games" videos and now that I've started playing through the list again. Here were some easy ones to discard:

We'll start with some easy ones first. My vintage game collection is taking a hit for a few reasons. One is that I want to curb it down as well but secondly, these are just games I don't see myself ever playing again. 

The first example of that is this game. 2 player game and I rarely play it because I never play with only 2 people at the table. And even if I did, no one would appreciate this simple game. So I purged it from the colleciton. 

My nephews used to love this game. Now they don't play board games with me anymore and it's not getting played at all. Classic game. Enjoyable, but if it's not coming to the table, it's only taking up space!

A game I bought for Megan because I thought she'd play it with me. She did....once. Now it sits on a shelf gathering more dust than play time. Easy decision to cut it, she'll never notice it missing for years I bet. 

Another game of the Mrs who never plays with me anymore so there's no sense keeping it. I have plenty of games to play with my girls when they get older and this isn't one I felt had to be kept around. 

This one hurts a little. It's a solid game but I mainly got it for my buddy Nick and I to play. He was a long time member of my board game group for years until he moved away. Since then, it hardly gets to the table now and no one seems to enjoy it as much as I do, so it had to go. 

I'll be back with more tomorrow!

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