Thursday, January 18, 2024

PURGE 2024 (9)


Talk about cutting into the meat of my collection!! Another fun game I loved but took players FOREVER to make up their minds thereby dragging the gme on for 3 hours. (at most this game should only take 2) Drove me nuts every time I brought it our of game night essentially ended with us playing this one game. I love the worker placement in this game but even I would get irritated towards the end of the night because players drug out turn way longer than I thought was humanly possible. 

Ugh! Another hard cut of a game I loved. But I didn't like how it's hard to get professors AND when people established their book as the most popular and then refused to sell many copies on the market (which led to a shortage and thereby keep scoring opportunities away from other players while you could make all the books of your own color and keep them for yourself!) If it weren't for this one flaw, the game would still be in my colleciton today. 
I love coops! But my gaming group doesn't. So this one had to leave my colleciton because it was the lowest of the genre on my list. 
I know. I just got the game late last year and already it's off my list. Nice filler game but once again I realized I just don't need that many filler games anymore. Best to keep with what I have and not add any in the near future unless the current ones in my colleciton grow stale. 
Grrrr.... $5 during Christmas on Eagle Gryphon Games website and I had to let it go because I knew it wasn't ever going to get more that one play a year in my collection. I looked at my list from the bottom up when making cuts and this one was just a victim of being to new on my list and too low to make a difference. 

FINAL purged games coming up tomorrow!

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