Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Ye Old Concession Stand

 I couldn't find a picture of the exact stand but in this pictures it's JUST a tad more over to the right of this picture. 

I passed it by the other day and remembered the good old days of attending my little brothers games and begging mom and Dad for spare change to spend at the concessions. 

5 cents for bubble gum, 25 cents for a 6-inch chic-o-stick, $2 for a pack of baseball cards ($1 refund if you gave the guy an Ivan Rodriguez from your pack) and $2 for a coveted Slurpee. (which I thought was the best thing on the face of the earth at the time)

It was great because they had prices not to far out of your parents range and if you were lucky, you could haggle them for spare change and feel like a champion!

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