Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tips for TI4: The Arborec

 I've never had the privilege of playing with the race but I will say they are one of the most underrated and under utilized races in our game. 

People who play them are always disappointed with their ability to only produce one infantry on a planet they control. 

But there's a simple strategy that would almost guarantee a win. 

At the start of the game, make a bee line for Mecetal Rex with your starting 4 infantry. Colonize it and every turn plant another troop on the planet. The longer you're there, the harder the planet is to be lost. This guarantees you a point every round on top of any objectives you accomplish in the mean time. 

Their Leader can produce an infantry on any planet that's attacked and their hero can produce anywhere on any planet they own, limited only to their resources. 

This is incredible. I'm shocked whenever I see people who don't see the obvious strategy here. If I ever get this race, it's exactly what I'd do. 

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