Thursday, September 16, 2021

Jaws 2 (Book Review)

 A few years ago I read the original novel while on our annual family beach vacation. 

This year I read the sequel by Howard Sackler and Dorothy Tristan. Peter Benchley (who wrote the first one) did not want to write anymore and even had regrets for writing the first novel since it led to the severe hunting of sharks afterwards. 

The novel's not bad and adds a lot you don't see in the movie. Probably what it does best if tie both the book and the novel all in one. 

For example, what's discussed in the novel but NOT in the movie is the affair between Brody's wife Ellen and Hooper. In this sequel it acknowledges that affair yet doesn't tell you what became of Hooper. (Hooper died in the novel but not in the movie)

I really liked that. 

Overall, a very enjoying read (though Brody doesn't discover the shark until the last 50 pages of the novel) 

Worth your time if you were ever interested in checking it out. 

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