Thursday, October 04, 2018

Scariest Moments (1)

Meh! Tis the season of October. Halloween is coming up so I thought I'd recall some of my most scariest moments.

Sunken Canoe

In highschool and all the way up through college a few of my friends used to go canoeing in Jackson along a river. We had a great time every year when doing it and now that I'm writing this, I actual miss it.

But there was one time it was raining and no one would let us on because the river was high and running a little too fast for novices.

.....Then there was one guy who couldn't say no to the money, rented us canoes and dropped us off. We raced down the river in record time, having a blast. The rain never stopped, we were soaked but having a great time.

Then my canoe hit a mini whirlpool in a side pocket along the bend, sucked my canoe right under and us right with it. We were able to hold on to a branch and pull us up into a low hanging tree but for those first few seconds it scared the mess out of the both of us. So much so, that our shakes morphed into laughter as we both realized the other had been just as terrorized.

More to come tomorrow. 

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