Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Beren and Luthien (Review)

When the first novel "Children of Hurin" came out, I waited years until buying it. This one was almost the same case. It's been out for a while but I just recently bit the bullet and purchased it with a gift card from Amazon.

It's not worth it. Reprinted material from the History of Middle Earth novels. I was hoping it would be more like "Children of Hurin" a more put-together story from the Lost Tales but it's hardly that and I went ahead and canceled the 3rd book in the "series" that came out last month.

I should have learned my lesson with "The Story of Kullervo" which showed my Christopher Tolkien has nothing new to show us from his fathers unfinished works.

Collect the History of Middle Earth novels if you want to get it all. All this book is, is a prettier reprint of material already released.

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