Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Top 100 Board Games 2016 (70-61)

#70 Martians!!!

A cool game by Twilight Creations, where you lay down tiles, fend off aliens and gather resources to blow up the mother ship before they all have landed. The game deserves a reprint so that others can enjoy it as well. Twilight Creations keeps saying a reprint is in the books...but they've been saying that for over 3 years now so I guess it's never happening.

2017 Prediction: May move down a few spots due to lack of expansions also promised to come out 3 years ago. 

#69 Humans!!!

Another entry from Twilight Creations where you play as the zombies trying to eat humans. First person to reach their goal wins! First time we played this we weren't sure it would be that fun. But very time we bring it out, we enjoy it. And with 3 expansions out, it keeps the game fresh....for braaaaaaiiiiiinnnnsssss.....

2017 Prediction: This one may slip as well since it didn't make the table this year. If that changes then it should hold the same ranking as now. 

#68 Rummikub

Great memories come whenever I play this tile laying game. Played it all the time with my mom and grandmother back in the day. Bought a newer copy for myself last year and have played it a few times. Still good!

2017 Prediction: Depending on the number of plays this gets next year, it could go up.

#67 Boss Monster

In this game you play a boss monster, similar to the old nintendo games, building a dungeon and fending off heroes coming to hurt you! The theme is great and so is the art. This is my brother's favorite game. I got a chance to play it in Phoenix and received a copy for my birthday. I bought the expansions at GenCon this year but haven't gotten a chance to play them yet.

2017 Prediction: I brought this on our family vacation this year and it didn't get played. A bad sign. That on top of it being a card game (which are not my favorite) may see this game knocked a few spots down next year.

#66 Cthulhu

It's Twilight Creations day I guess! In this version, you're trying to stop the monster from being conjured up before descending into madness. The hardest game to play out of their line of games due to the fact that when you die, you don't come back into the game. Crazy fun though!

2017 Prediction: I'm not into the Cthulhu myth that much. It may drop a few spots on the list next time but that's it. 

#65 Bargain Hunter

Shop for the best deals around a mall, where prices are always changing. Get everything on your list and be the first out of debt and you win! Surprisingly fun game, when I found it at an antique store I was unsure whether to get it or not. I'm glad I did because it's such a good game!

2017 Prediction: Will go up if it gets to the table enough times. 

#64 Bumper Cars

An older game where you're taking cars of the same color around a parking place to their proper spot. Land on another player and you get to bump them back to the beginning. Super fun game that was at my grandmothers for years until my brother brought it back to me from her home before we sold it. I'm thankful to have it in my collection because I bring this out to my gaming group as well to enjoy.

2017 Prediction: Probably stay in the same spot as next year. Not enough in it to move it up but to fun of a game to move down.

#63 High Bid

Another 3M game I enjoy where you bid on different items trying to build the best collection. Fairly simple but really great game.

2017 Prediction: If it gets more plays, it'll move up. If not, it'll go down. 

#63 (tie) Chess

I left this off the list by mistake and instead of going back thru and redoing the whole list, I thought I'd pop it in here and worry about it next year.

Chess is a game I've played ever since I was a kid. It is always fun even though I don't play it as often now. Played earlier this year in an antique shop with the owner while Megan shopped. I love that everyone knows the game and is willing to play it with a complete stranger at a moments notice.

2017 Prediction: Well....I forgot it this year so we'll see how it fairs. 

#62 Sub Search

Battleship on steroids. This huge board stacks 3 levels and i incredible to look at. Fun to play too! Just like battleship but with subs.

2017 Prediction: Unsure. Being a 2 player game isn't helping it since I rarely get these to the table. May move down a bit on the list. 

#61 Break the Safe

Weird game from the 90's where you're a family (yes I family) trying to break into a safe in time before the alarm goes off. (via an electric timer for the game) You have to avoid a guard and his dog as well as several traps laid out in every room. Work together in time to break the safe or go to jail!

Such a strange theme but it's really fun and intense when the timer starts counting down the minutes!

2017 Prediction: Again, the more it comes to the table the better chance it has moving up the list. If not, it'll stay where it is.

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