Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top 5 Star Wars Autographs I'd like to have! (Prequels edition)

Ok, after yesterday's post I realized that I only named original trilogy folks, so this time I'd like to talk about the Top 5 autographs I'd like from people who were in the prequels. Here goes!

5) Ahmad Best (Jar Jar)

I'm as shocked as you are right now. Making this list out I didn't think I'd want it but quickly changed my mind when I thought of how funny it would be to have one. The most hated man in Star Wars... can't pass up a chance to get an autograph of him can I?!

4) Christopher Lee

The late great Christopher Lee. Call Lucas a "hack" all you want but he hit the nail on the head with this casting decision. Though super expensive to get now, I would've loved to have gotten one back in the day before he passed away.

3) Hayden Christensen (Anakin)

Hate on him all you want but I blame George for his acting. In other movies, he did really well and he seems like a nice guy in all his interviews so to have his autograph in my collection would be an honor!

2) Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan)

No surprise here. I think he's a great actor that doesn't get enough roles in Hollywood. And if I had an autograph of Sir Alec Guieness, it would only make sense to have them both together right? But I can think of one more who could join them...

1) Liam Neeson (Qui-Gon)

I love this actor already. To have his autograph in general would be awesome but as Qui-Gon Jinn, it'd be to cool for school! I thought he did an incredible job in the first movie and was disappointed he never came back as a ghost in the sequels.

That's my Top 5....what's yours?

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