Friday, June 28, 2024

TI4 (Game #4 review)

 At least I think this is the 4th game I've played of it this year. 

Anyway, this one was another barn burner. 

My nephew Tallis REALLY has stepped up his game and was a massive threat!

He held Mecatol Rex the entire game. This was also a game with ZERO battles. I've never had that happen before. 

It was wild. Instead of fighting, everyone side stepped around each other....formed massive fleets but only took each others planets and nothing else. 

For crying out loud it was the first time in I don't know how long, that I actual developed War Sun tech and had one on my board.

Give it, it was all for show. I had a warrior race who had a +1 in battles so I went around the board rattling my saber, scaring others away and taking whatever planets I wanted. I admit, it was a complete diversional tactic which allowed people not to see what I was really doing the whole time. 

Little by little, I kept claiming objectives and making it look like it was by accident. 

"Oh, did I score that? Huh! I guess I DO have all that tech! I didn't even know, I was so focused on adding to my fleet."

But the ONE move that one me the game was forcing my nephew to pic another tile instead of 8. (which would have secured him the victory)

Tallis was at 9 and I was at 8 in the final round. (Round 7) He had a secret objective and assumed I did too (which he was correct) There were 2 unclaimed objectives. One worth 1VP and the other worth 2. 

1 VP was to have units in 3 empty space tiles by the end of the round. 2VP objective was to have units on 5 tiles on the edge of the board (minus your home system) 

My nephew thought I was going for the 1VP but didn't realize I was on the cusp of completing the 2. He figured it wasn't worth trying to obtain the 1VP because even if I did the round would end in a tie and since he had the #1 card, he would win the tie.....or so he thought. 

He was shocked when I reveled units in 5 outlying tiles. Then looked pitifully at me as I pulled up even with him on the score track and said "You have a secret objective too don't you?"

Another close match, another miracle win. 

That being said, I have no doubt that my winning streak will soon come to an end. Its inevitable at this point. Too many people as getting just as good as me. Like I said, if I don't have that action card to play on him that round, he scores 1VP for being on Rex and I lose the tie. 

I celebrate another victory but pretty soon I realize my time on the throne is ticking down. The only question is who will be the one to knock me off? 

I plan on playing again later this year. Who knows, maybe I could hold on another game....but it gets harder to do every time. 

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