Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Final Purge (17)

 Another soul crushing one for me to let go but I made the decision after seeing how the last few games of it went. You make one good sword then spend the rest of your time trying to get the game to end as fast as you could. 

I didn't like what the game was turning into with me and my gaming group, so I sent this one packing. 

Seriously this was the last game I decided to let go and it wasn't easy. But after my last play through my nephew and I noticed that it's easy to arm all of your men at the end of the game to avoid those negative points. 
I mean, so easy that you'd have to purposely try to avoid it the whole game for it to actually happen. I reread the rules to make sure we were playing correctly and we were. My nephew and I also agreed the 2 most important spots on the board are upgrading your shields and gaining 1st player. If you can do both, you'll win in a landslide. If you can do either or consistently, you're almost guaranteed the win. 
If was enough evidence to make me release the game, thereby completing my final purge for 2024. 

Now my shelf actually has EMPTY spaces for the first time in I don't know how long! But everything looks great and I feel a lot better having a lighter collection on my hands now. 

Thanks for sticking around to the end folks! See you later!

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