Friday, June 14, 2024

Late Night with the Devil (Review)

 On paper, it's a neat idea. "Footage" from a fictional late night Halloween Special from 1977, shows a real encounter with the supernatural. 

We have a phony mind reader, a skeptic, a little girl claiming to be possessed and a TV host trying to save his dying program from disappearing off the network. It's a great idea for a story. 

And this wasn't bad. It had all the beats you wanted but falls short of being one of the most brilliant horror's ever created. In fact, 10 years from now, someone should use this same formula, dig deeper into the characters presented and keep the story just as tight and I think they'll have a true winner on their hands. 

In the end, it's worth your time. It holds your interest. But when its all said and done, you'll wish it could've been better too. 

Have a good weekend everybody!

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