Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Final Purge (16)


After a few years in my collection I've felt that there wasn't enough strategy for me to keep it around. Like the others, it was only played once a year and afterwards forgotten about. I have no time for games like that on my shelf anymore. 

I love this game. I love the theme, I love the dice placement. BUT I've always had a problem with the rule book. It differs sorely from the icons on the board, leading to mass confusion every time we played it. That flaw alone was enough to have it cut from my collection. 

Another game I had a hard time letting go. It's a fine game but there's something about Rio Grande Games that only they can make a game that's good yet still feels its fallen short of "great" I can't elaborate any more than that  but I feel there's a piece missing that would make this game even better. Trade value was decent and since I'm trying to accomplish one final mass purge I tipped the scales on this one and made the decision to pack it up with the rest. 

Great area control game but never took off with my gaming group. The last play I had of it was a little underwhelming so I added it to this list. 

One final post on this and I'm done folks. See you tomorrow!

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