Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Century: Golden Deals (mini-review)

 An interesting twist to one of my favorite games. 

Here you sleeve all the cards and place special "clear" inserts into the sleeves on top of those cards which show additional spices and upgrades you can get. 

On your turn, when drafting cards you can optionally discard a card in your hand. while selecting one from the caravan, place it in your hand while getting the action on the insert. 

To get that insert action again while playing the card FROM your hand, you can discard altogether and get that insert again again. 

Seems weird and I've only played it once....but it's fantastic!!!

The mechanism changes the game radically as now, you're tempted to grab cards you wouldn't need or have doubles of, only for the "Golden Deal" hence speeding up and getting through the deck at a faster pace. 

I love it. Will never play without it. One complaint is, once you play through the deck, it's a pain switching out all of the clear inserts into different cards sleeves to ensure each game is different. But other than that, it's worth your time to pick up if you're a fan. 

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