Friday, June 28, 2024

TI4 (Game #4 review)

 At least I think this is the 4th game I've played of it this year. 

Anyway, this one was another barn burner. 

My nephew Tallis REALLY has stepped up his game and was a massive threat!

He held Mecatol Rex the entire game. This was also a game with ZERO battles. I've never had that happen before. 

It was wild. Instead of fighting, everyone side stepped around each other....formed massive fleets but only took each others planets and nothing else. 

For crying out loud it was the first time in I don't know how long, that I actual developed War Sun tech and had one on my board.

Give it, it was all for show. I had a warrior race who had a +1 in battles so I went around the board rattling my saber, scaring others away and taking whatever planets I wanted. I admit, it was a complete diversional tactic which allowed people not to see what I was really doing the whole time. 

Little by little, I kept claiming objectives and making it look like it was by accident. 

"Oh, did I score that? Huh! I guess I DO have all that tech! I didn't even know, I was so focused on adding to my fleet."

But the ONE move that one me the game was forcing my nephew to pic another tile instead of 8. (which would have secured him the victory)

Tallis was at 9 and I was at 8 in the final round. (Round 7) He had a secret objective and assumed I did too (which he was correct) There were 2 unclaimed objectives. One worth 1VP and the other worth 2. 

1 VP was to have units in 3 empty space tiles by the end of the round. 2VP objective was to have units on 5 tiles on the edge of the board (minus your home system) 

My nephew thought I was going for the 1VP but didn't realize I was on the cusp of completing the 2. He figured it wasn't worth trying to obtain the 1VP because even if I did the round would end in a tie and since he had the #1 card, he would win the tie.....or so he thought. 

He was shocked when I reveled units in 5 outlying tiles. Then looked pitifully at me as I pulled up even with him on the score track and said "You have a secret objective too don't you?"

Another close match, another miracle win. 

That being said, I have no doubt that my winning streak will soon come to an end. Its inevitable at this point. Too many people as getting just as good as me. Like I said, if I don't have that action card to play on him that round, he scores 1VP for being on Rex and I lose the tie. 

I celebrate another victory but pretty soon I realize my time on the throne is ticking down. The only question is who will be the one to knock me off? 

I plan on playing again later this year. Who knows, maybe I could hold on another game....but it gets harder to do every time. 

The Nature of Middle Earth (review)

 Ever since 2020, I've been reading through Tolkien. I thought this would be the year I'd take a break but when I found out about this book, I new I'd be returning!

This is a collection of later writings from Tolkien, some published in French journals and magazines but never before collected. While they do retread on a few previous publications (which is expected given how much is out there already) it does delve into new areas never before discussed by the author. 

We learn of the flora and fauna of middle earth. The lakes, the plants and everything about elves. How time passes for them, what the ages look like to them, from "child" into manhood and later "elder". It also goes into all the physical attributes of elves as well as dwarves, though only a little for the latter. 

There are some fun nuggets scattered about that revolve around the 3rd age and the Lord of the Rings characters which is fun. As well as some interesting information about Sauron during the 2nd age. (which is rarely discussed in previous novels)

Overall it feels like an extension of the History of Middle Earth series Vol 13. Only recommended for the hardcore fan and not the average reader. Only if you enjoyed the History of Middle Earth series would you enjoy this one. 

Worth it in the long run. Now that I have my fix from Middle Earth for the year, I can go about reading other things for 2024. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Young Sheldon (review)

 At long last one of the last TV shows Megan and I watched before getting rid of our cable for good has finally come to an end. 

The show started off interesting but after the first few seasons Megan had lost interest and over the last 2 seasons she didn't even bother watching it. 

The series just didn't catch on with me. I'm glad it's over but it should've ended years ago. I watched a video last week where someone pointed out that the prequel series contradicted things revealed in the Big Bang Theory, which really put the final nail in the coffin for me on this one. 

They brought back characters from the original show but even that couldn't save the stinker that was the series finale. They now are planning a spin-off with his older brother but I have no interest whatsoever in watching. 

This one ultimately ended up being a waste of my time. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Iron Claw (review)

 Finally got around to seeing this movie based on a true story of a wrestling family that dealt with constant tragedy throughout their lives. I watched a documentary on them a few years ago which I highly recommend people watching but the movie was good too. 

Zac Efron is almost unrecognizable in this film but he's good in it and there's one touching scene that tries pulling tears out of your eyes for sure. Overall, worth your time. Just like some of these other movies I've reviewed lately, I don't want to give any spoilers because I think this movie is a good one. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Kong X Godzilla: The New Empire (Review)


The human story is BOR-RING as always. The fights are ok, Godzilla I felt wasn't featured enough to be considered the "star" of the film and the whole thing appeared to be a giant waste of time. (Mothra was a dud too)

These movies just aren't that enjoyable. Maybe if they're watched within the right crowd but even then I can't imagine enjoying them that much. These movies just aren't as attractive as they once were. Though I would love to see Godzilla Minus One on day. I hear it's great. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Abigail (movie review)


I'm not even going to spoil anything for you about this movie but let me just say, it's pretty good. I wish I hadn't have watched the trailer because they give away the entire movie in it. 

On one side I can see why. I movie names Abigail, with a little ballerina on the cover doesn't exactly attract me to see it. But the movie has a great twist (the trailer spoils for you) about 30 minutes in and the movie is quite enjoyable overall. 

Megan REALLY loved this one. At this point, she claims it to be the best movie she's seen all year. I admit, I enjoyed it too. Worth you time. No spoilers from me!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Unwelcome (review)

 Another movie I tried out last month was recommended to me by a friend. 

The first hour is slow and drags a little. But the last 30 minutes.....I don't exactly know how to describe. Is this a horror? No. But I think it was meant to be one. 

Is it a comedy? Yes? There's one moment that is cinematic GOLD that caught us all off guard with it's witty humor. But then the movie took several weird turns, that were both confusing and entertaining. 

I have no idea what the ending was about and afterwards we all looked at each other and decided that even though we had no idea what we'd just was entertaining enough to say it was worth our time. 

Do I recommend it? Hmmm.... that's a hard one. I doubt I'll ever watch this again, though maybe I would proceed to tell someone about the story line of the first hour so that they could sit back and enjoy the INSANE last 30 minutes of the flick. I'm on the fence on this one folks. 

Proceed at your own discretion. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Arcadian (Review)

 Last month I had a chance to check this movie out. It's a wannabe "water cooler" movie they were hoping would get good word and mouth and stir up interest in a series of movies about. But the "mystery" about the whole post-apocalyptic scenario wasn't that enticing to get me asking for more. 

I felt the movie had some good ideas, but left too many questions unresolved to warrant another film. Quiet Place, Bird Box and others built off the same formula but gave us at least SOME idea of what was going on in the world. This one didn't. 

And for's a "pass" for me.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Board Game Upgrade: Marrakesh

 I love the game so much I couldn't resist it and gave in. Buying the upgrade kit from Queen Games. (it came in fast!) but it's very small. I didn't realize how little is in it. And the pieces look smaller than they do in the picture. (which doesn't seem possible) But it doesn't matter. For a game that's impressed me so much, I had to give it the upgrade treatment!

I also ordered some small metal coins to go along with the game. No way was I buying the ones Queen Games were selling. Overpriced and junky! The ones I bought for the game are exactly the ones I bought for Spartacus a while back. They fit perfectly with the game and will make it shine next to my deluxe upgraded components!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Board Game Upgrade: Lords of Waterdeep

 FINALLY got metal coins for this game. I've been wanting them for years and after playing the game this year my buddy not only bought a copy but informed me, he had upgraded the coins to metal! I couldn't resist after that and had to do the same. 

My nephew makes fun of me because I'm all about the metal coins, but it does add style to the game. I admit....I'm a super for them for sure!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Board Game Upgrade: Fresco

 One of my favorite games just got upgraded to metal coins!

Found a good deal for these on Amazon. They look great! I'm thinking of getting more in the future for another game in my collection some time down the road. For now, it's "clinckity clink" time for Fresco!!!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Late Night with the Devil (Review)

 On paper, it's a neat idea. "Footage" from a fictional late night Halloween Special from 1977, shows a real encounter with the supernatural. 

We have a phony mind reader, a skeptic, a little girl claiming to be possessed and a TV host trying to save his dying program from disappearing off the network. It's a great idea for a story. 

And this wasn't bad. It had all the beats you wanted but falls short of being one of the most brilliant horror's ever created. In fact, 10 years from now, someone should use this same formula, dig deeper into the characters presented and keep the story just as tight and I think they'll have a true winner on their hands. 

In the end, it's worth your time. It holds your interest. But when its all said and done, you'll wish it could've been better too. 

Have a good weekend everybody!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Merchants of the Dark Road: Starra's Fine Stables (mini-review)

 I really enjoy this game. So when I saw there was a promo for it, I decided to check it out. 

The tile allows the player (using an illuminated die) to move an additional 2 spaces and take another action. 

Super cool. Worth it. Glad I got it. Won't use it every time I play but will shuffle it around from game to game for sure in the future. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Kung-Fu Panda 4

 At long last I got to see the long delayed sequel to one of my favorite series.....and it wasn't very good. 

Uninspiring, lazy writing that showed nothing new, lacked heart and felt more like a direct-to-DVD sequel than something that got an actual theatric release. 

About the only good thing about this movie was its title. Thank goodness they didn't go for something like "Kung-Fu Panda: The Dragon Rises" or some crap like that. Keeping the number next to the name is an abandoned method these days. But other than that, this movie is a waste of time. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Century: Golden Deals (mini-review)

 An interesting twist to one of my favorite games. 

Here you sleeve all the cards and place special "clear" inserts into the sleeves on top of those cards which show additional spices and upgrades you can get. 

On your turn, when drafting cards you can optionally discard a card in your hand. while selecting one from the caravan, place it in your hand while getting the action on the insert. 

To get that insert action again while playing the card FROM your hand, you can discard altogether and get that insert again again. 

Seems weird and I've only played it once....but it's fantastic!!!

The mechanism changes the game radically as now, you're tempted to grab cards you wouldn't need or have doubles of, only for the "Golden Deal" hence speeding up and getting through the deck at a faster pace. 

I love it. Will never play without it. One complaint is, once you play through the deck, it's a pain switching out all of the clear inserts into different cards sleeves to ensure each game is different. But other than that, it's worth your time to pick up if you're a fan. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Ultimate Collector's Box (review)

 Well I did it!

I finally got the big empty box for my collection. 

It's totally worth it. 

I know this sounds silly, but the box is gorgeous and only makes me appreciate this game more. In fact, I plan on playing it more this year than I have over the past few even! 

It also came with more 3D hearts and bullets. I have enough now that I'm saying goodbye to the basic cardboard chits for the game and going forward with only the 3D. 

If someone wanted to collect the full box of this, I'd recommend it. At this point you'd only be missing 3 expansions for it. Certainly worth it if the game's for you. 

Friday, June 07, 2024

Cape May: Vocations (Mini Expansion Review)

 As with a lot of games I like, eventually I will get the mini-expansion for it. 

This mini-expansion comes with a set of cards. You deal 2 out to each player and they choose one to keep. During the game, they can cash in on the super ability once per game. 

I love this because it's hard to get everything done in the game so having a little cheat this way is a great improvement upon the game because you feel you got that much more done!

Sure I prefer some cards over others and I'm sure there's a strategy to each of these, but I'm just happy to add it to my collection. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Coke Spiced

 Finally got to try it, though I couldn't find the Zero version anywhere around here. 

It's ok. I don't see this flavor staying around that long. Cinnamon and raspberry. They're trying to appeal to a younger generation of drinkers but I'm not sure why they thought this was the was the way.

Too bad they don't just roll out Pibb nationwide! The unique spicy flavor is unlike anything else in the market! I think that would have way more success than this would. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Final Purge (17)

 Another soul crushing one for me to let go but I made the decision after seeing how the last few games of it went. You make one good sword then spend the rest of your time trying to get the game to end as fast as you could. 

I didn't like what the game was turning into with me and my gaming group, so I sent this one packing. 

Seriously this was the last game I decided to let go and it wasn't easy. But after my last play through my nephew and I noticed that it's easy to arm all of your men at the end of the game to avoid those negative points. 
I mean, so easy that you'd have to purposely try to avoid it the whole game for it to actually happen. I reread the rules to make sure we were playing correctly and we were. My nephew and I also agreed the 2 most important spots on the board are upgrading your shields and gaining 1st player. If you can do both, you'll win in a landslide. If you can do either or consistently, you're almost guaranteed the win. 
If was enough evidence to make me release the game, thereby completing my final purge for 2024. 

Now my shelf actually has EMPTY spaces for the first time in I don't know how long! But everything looks great and I feel a lot better having a lighter collection on my hands now. 

Thanks for sticking around to the end folks! See you later!

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Final Purge (16)


After a few years in my collection I've felt that there wasn't enough strategy for me to keep it around. Like the others, it was only played once a year and afterwards forgotten about. I have no time for games like that on my shelf anymore. 

I love this game. I love the theme, I love the dice placement. BUT I've always had a problem with the rule book. It differs sorely from the icons on the board, leading to mass confusion every time we played it. That flaw alone was enough to have it cut from my collection. 

Another game I had a hard time letting go. It's a fine game but there's something about Rio Grande Games that only they can make a game that's good yet still feels its fallen short of "great" I can't elaborate any more than that  but I feel there's a piece missing that would make this game even better. Trade value was decent and since I'm trying to accomplish one final mass purge I tipped the scales on this one and made the decision to pack it up with the rest. 

Great area control game but never took off with my gaming group. The last play I had of it was a little underwhelming so I added it to this list. 

One final post on this and I'm done folks. See you tomorrow!

Monday, June 03, 2024

Final Purge (15)

 Yep. I also got rid of Dinosaur World as well. 

Why? Easy. 

The game took too long to set up and my group had TERRIBLE AP when playing. A regular game lasted 4 hours MINIMUM which was ridiculous! Finally, they decided to buy their own copy so I traded mine away. Shockingly the kickstarter edition I had doesn't go for much anymore. In fact, I thought about taking it out of the trade because I thought I was getting low balled, but when I saw it on BGG for $40 and NOT selling, I knew I had a stinker. 

How this lost so much value over the years is I'm guessing for the same reason I'm letting it go too. 

Another fun game but I had to be honest with myself and I knew I wasn't really playing it that much to keep. And like a lot of these games, playing them once a year isn't worth it if I don't feel the need to get it to the table anymore than that. 

Favorite designer. GREAT game. So why dump it? On my last play my nephew and I discovered just how useless the marble drop is. It doesn't shift the marbles AT ALL. Wherever you drop them is exactly which tracks they'll end up on. 

We tested it out after our game and found there was no "randomness" at all. Just wherever you dumped the marbles, the "tower" would leave them in the same position as they dropped. So in reality, you could manipulate the marbles AND colors to go anywhere you needed them for the next round. 

Right there was the deal breaker. Sad that such a great game has such a HUGE design flaw in a critical aspect of the game. 

Oh my poor Queen Games! It's true. I've loved this game for years but after so many it's time I let this one go. It's a great light-weight game that sadly has just been played out at this time. I knew if I kept it, it was for "good ole times" and not because I wanted to play it as much anymore.