Wednesday, November 29, 2023

2nd Boardgame Purge of 2023 (7)

 Guess I'm starting these out with a familiar theme....

Queen Games once again gets the purge button as I emptied out a few games that weren't getting much play time. I just started getting good at this game too but it's not getting played or requested by anyone so it moved away and gave its space on the shelf to a better game. 

A new game I added into my colleciton this year (with the expansion) but it never took off with me. After reviewing it, I saw promise in it but after another play, the game was already starting to lose its luster so I traded it back to Noble Knight. 
Same as above. New game but completely flawed. I'm shocked it even got a reprint. There's 2 spaces on the board that are only important in the first half of the gme and worthless in the end. 3 spaces that are a MUST to win and one space....which is a complete waste of time and I have no idea why anyone would go there in the first place unless they had no other move to make. 

This game is bad. You're just fighting over the same 2 or 3 spots each time while ignoring everything else. I don't see the appeal in it and was happy to chuck it in the trade box and have it leave my home forever.

It came with a promo and rare expansion. The trade value for this is SUPER high but the game never really appealed to me. I looked into trading it on its own but couldn't find a good match for it so I let it go to Noble Knight who offered a fair price in trade. 

See you tomorrow with more!

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