Friday, July 05, 2019

Uncanny X-men Review

A few months ago my brother gave me a small run of X-men comics to read while being at home with my girls. I finished reading them a while back and forgot to give me thoughts on it.

Interesting enough, this series began with this issue which was one issue off from the first appearance of Jubelee! She was the "hot new mutant" in the series at the time which was funny to read how they thought a girl who shot fireworks from her finger tips would be that popular.

But this comic also had Dazzler on the team so I guess it was low times all around.

Jim Lee did some of the art in this series and you can tell. It look beautiful.

But the whole time I was reading the series I struggled to understand why the comic was so popular in the first place? Overall, the roster looked weak and the characters uninteresting. I don't get the hype this series was getting back in the day.

Anyway folks, have a great weekend!

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