Monday, July 22, 2019

SGU Review

And finally, the last spinoff of the Stargate franchise....sadly the worst. But it's not as bad as I remembered.

Let me break it down for you:

The Good: GREAT episodes, that had some amazing twists you never saw coming. Also they were smart in that they didn't over explain the plots.

Some of the characters were great too. The cast was really 50/50 as being awesome of lame. (which is discussed in "The Bad")

Continuity. Though they have a different look than the rest of the shows in the franchise, they stayed true to continuity and used it continuously within the show. Even bringing in characters from both prior spin offs to strengthen the overall connection of the Universe. Very well done.

The Bad: Characters. Like I discussed earlier, some were awesome. Others were so bland its a wonder they got any screen time at all. The worst part about this is two of the most utterly POINTLESS characters get a lot of screen time within episodes, that were excellent chances for me to break away and get something done around the house when I saw it was their story.

Time Travel. Done absolutely brilliant in the episode "Time" but after that, the multi-universes, second chance, split second time reversions got so confusing, it's no wonder fans quickly began to tire of the series as a whole.

The Ugly: This show is a blatant rip off of Battlestar Galactica. A show that was a hit back in the day and Stargate writers wanted to emulate the show right down to the look, feel, and camera shots. It's painfully obvious that they had no confidence in the tried and true method of previous Stargate shows and wanted to be a carbon copy that looked and felt entirely different to the fan base.

Should you watch it? Yes and no. If you were a fan of previous series and you never gave this one a shot, you should. But for fans new to Stargate. Watch one of the previous 2 first to see why it was so popular with fans in the first place.

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