Monday, July 08, 2019

Deathblow (Review)

Another comic Jeremy gave to me to read was the old Deathblow series from Wildstorm. It'd been a while since I'd read through it and I was happy to read through it again. The series started off with a wild story arc of Deathblow going on a mission with a Nun (with guns) who was protecting a child who could heal people and create miracles. The villain was a "dark angel" who wished to sacrifice this child and steal his power.

A really strange mystic tale.

The second half of the series was more "Punisher" like, where Deathblow went on shoot'em up missions and kill the bad guys in various places.

Really weird turn from what it originally set out to be. They eventually killed the character off (in a Wildstorm crossover event "Fire from Heaven") and gave him one last issue of his funeral which was weird because he was hardly in it and it focused on various other comic characters who had series going on at the time.

Overall it was ok, but not Image's best. 

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