Friday, May 03, 2019

What a Wookie

Peter Mayhew, the man behind the mask of Chewbacca, passed away yesterday. People across the internet are expressing their condolences as I will do as well.

He got the role when George Lucas saw how tall his was. The only thing he did at the audition was stand up and Lucas hired him on the spot. He landed the role of a lifetime, which defined his career.

I hate to speak ill of the deceased but towards the fans he wasn't the best.

I met him in 2005. He seemed bored with each person coming up to his table. Smiling shortly when they were finished, signing autographs, posing for photos without getting up (this was before his surgery when he could walk) and looking past you to the next person in line to let you know you needed to move on.

This was a complaint I heard from several people at cons going forward. That he wasn't friendly at all but seemed more bothered to be there than anything else.

It is sad he's gone but he'll always be remembered for his role in 1977.

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