Friday, April 26, 2019

Best Christmas Ever!

Oh man, this is an up and comer for "favorite" holiday for me. The past two years I've REALLY enjoyed the holiday putting it right behind Thanksgiving Day as my 2nd favorite.

But I think I know which one I loved the most. 1986. We were kids and Dad bought us each an entire box of baseball cards. So get this, instead of opening up a couple of presents that year, we got to open an additional 36 packs of cards!

It was amazing. We sat there, trying to build sets out of them (and got pretty close out of 3 boxes for 3 sets!) I remember a few years back we re-created the experience again, using old baseball card boxes from 1987. It was a blast but can't beat being a kid and having your eyes go wide when you're looking at a Dwight Gooden or Dale Murphy in your hand.

What a Christmas!

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