Friday, August 17, 2018

Classic SNES Mini

Now it's time to review the other mini system I bought the same weekend as the Classes NES. I was fortunate enough to discover one that was misplaced in the wrong display case at Target. Since I had already gotten the NES Classic earlier I decided to go ahead and buy this one as well.

Though not as many games that I played on it, they did have 3 big ones I wanted to try again. Super Mario World, Zelda: Link to the Past and the game that started it all, Mario Kart.

Though we had Donkey Kong Country growing up, I rarely played it, that was a game for my little brothers more than it was for me.

The rest of them are "Super" versions of all the classic NES games from back in the day. I never had those games  (even popular ones like Starfox) so a majority of the games in the system I wasn't that interested in.

But of the games I played here's my thoughts.

Super Mario World- Loved it. GREAT ENDING. Beat it in 2 days. Surprised how much I remembered as I went through the levels. Really fun stuff!

Mario Kart: My favorite game of the bunch. SO many memories of racing upside down just to give people a chance to beat me....and they didn't. Though I doubt I have that skill today, I was able to kill it in races against the computer. So much fun to play!

Zelda: Link to the Past - This was my favorite Zelda game back in the day and now... I don't know why. The game is not that good. I forgot how boring it was running around in circles with nothing to do but chop at grass and bushes to find cash to buy stuff.

Most of the items you gather are hardly used and the game does a poor job of giving you hints at what you need to pass thru it. After a few days of boredom I stopped playing it and went back to Mario Kart.

Overall the game system wasn't worth my money. But Megan loves Donkey Kong Jr so I guess it's worth it for her. But if given another chance I would've passed on it due to Zelda being better as a child than it is today. My suggestion? Look at the list of games and if it looks good to you pick it up. For me, it'll be good for 2 games and Megan's one game that she plays. I already can see this game gathering dust by the end of the year.

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