Thursday, August 29, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)

 40) Up 2

Still a solid game. Didn't move up much but is always one that brings a smile to my face whenever it comes out. 

39) Up 16

My girls and I have enjoyed playing this one together a lot this year. Next time I need to buy them some cracker jacks WHILE playing the game! Super cheap and super fun!

38) Up 2

Snakes up the list slightly this year. I can't find my missing pieces for sale anywhere on ebay. This game itself is super scarce. I'm missing 2 Anti-Venom tokens. You can play the game without them but'd be nice to have this one complete.

37) Up 17

I predict this game surges up my Top 50 once again next year as I'll be bringing it to GenCon with me playing non-stop with others there!

36) Up 3

Another one of the few games Megan still plays with me. Lovely game. if it made it to the table even more, I think this could quickly become a Top 20 game for me. 

35) Down 3

Excellent bidding game, though I don't get to play it as much as I'd like. I do want the 80s version and combine them together for the different artwork and metal clips the 80's version comes with. 

34) Down 16

My girls were more interested in the pieces than the gameplay but this is still a fun game I love playing and I know they'll come to appreciate it more when they understand the rules better. It shot down the list this year but as the girls get better at gaming, I'm positive it'll move back up!

33) Down 6

Great figures. The gameplay is simple enough for kids to enjoy. With Marvel United in my life however, I'm unsure how often this will be played in the future. 

32) Down 19

Only played once this year but I fully expect it to rocket back up the list next year if it gets more plays!

31) Up 22

#4 favorite game from my girls and I love it too. Will most likely rise on the list next year as we only keep bringing this one out on the table more and more as the year goes on. 

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