Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Grading the Alhambra Expansions (10)



Shuffle the special tiles out on this board. Pay the cost using the colors provided at the top of the board to acquire the tile. Place it over your building for 2X effect when scoring. 

This expansion is a MUST

I like combining cards to gain a tile you can place anywhere on your Alhambra! We bought every single one that was available and they went fast because you always have random cards of each color, its easier than trying to save up for a regular tile. Sometimes we were even lucky enough to pay exact change! Great expansion!


Designed by Stefan Feld each player gets 8 of their color. They can be used to get a -1 discount on a tile (thereby getting an exact payment and extra turn) or play on top of a recently placed tile. If the handymen are next to each other, they will score one point each at the end of the game. 

This expansion is a Meh

I would like to play with this one again. Me and another player used these for straight points. But one person used them to pay exact change and get bonus actions. I'd like to try his way next time and see how that works. I don't think this is a bad module, just one I need to play more often to get a better feel of the strategies that can come out of it. 

Personal Building Market

When grabbing a tile you don't want, grab a market color and offer it for sell to other players. 

This expansion is a PASS

Great idea, but in our games no one wanted to give cards to another player, so it ended up being a waste of time. It could've been just my group but I don't really see me playing this one that much in future games. 


Shuffle and deal out one of each color to every player. In the game, cash in the treasures to get that exact number discount on the tile. 

This is a MUST

Since all the tiles have different amounts on them this expansion had a lot of variables to consider each time. In our game we played every single one of them and all agreed it was one of the better expansions we'd played with. Awesome stuff!

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