Friday, August 30, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)


30) Down 4

The last TSG game in my collection and I wouldn't give it away for the world! Great table presence with its many colorful dragons. LOADS of strategy too! If it weren't for one production issue (with stacking the clouds) this game would be a masterpiece! Honestly, this game comes out during regular game nights as well. 

29) Up 7

Fun Canadian game I picked up a few years ago yet I'm the only one who appreciates it today. Can't seem to get anyone hyped for it. I love the game, just wish more people felt the same way! It may start to move down the list next year because of that but we'll see. 

28) Up 8

Easy set up, yahtzee style gameplay. Straight fun! The more I play this, the more it'll move up my list!

27) Up 1

#6 or #7 game from my girls? We play this one all the time together. The older they get the more fun this game will become. It didn't budge much this year on the list but I predict next year it does. 

26) Down 2

#5 favorite game from the girls for sure. 10 second game that we play WAY too much around the house! I think every family should own a copy but I don't think this game will go much higher on my list in the years to come. 

25) Up 9

Awesome playdough game. Depends on how often my girls will let me bring this out but if it keeps getting played regularly, then it'll stay in my Top 25 for years to come!

24) Down 3

The simple mechanics make this game forever replayable. I love that about the game. It shuffled down the list of few spots but basically stayed the same.
23) Down 15

Though we have played this a lot, I guess I just wasn't feeling the love in 2024! Like I said, I never look at last year's list so I was a little shocked it ranked so low this year. We play the newer version more often because we like the text messages on the cell phone version. Though the classic still looks best!
22) Up 9

Always during an election this this gasme goes up. And this is the highest its ever been. I imagine next year it'll bounce back down, since he won't be on everyone's mind by then. I love this game. Much better than what people give it credit for. 
21) Down 20

Last year's #1 took a tumble this year because I made this list before I went to the beach. And the beach is where I play Nerts the most. So this may be a littl eunfair to the game. I did play it but not as much as last year at the beach. I'll try waiting longer to release my list next year so it can get a more fair shot the 2nd time around.

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)

 40) Up 2

Still a solid game. Didn't move up much but is always one that brings a smile to my face whenever it comes out. 

39) Up 16

My girls and I have enjoyed playing this one together a lot this year. Next time I need to buy them some cracker jacks WHILE playing the game! Super cheap and super fun!

38) Up 2

Snakes up the list slightly this year. I can't find my missing pieces for sale anywhere on ebay. This game itself is super scarce. I'm missing 2 Anti-Venom tokens. You can play the game without them but'd be nice to have this one complete.

37) Up 17

I predict this game surges up my Top 50 once again next year as I'll be bringing it to GenCon with me playing non-stop with others there!

36) Up 3

Another one of the few games Megan still plays with me. Lovely game. if it made it to the table even more, I think this could quickly become a Top 20 game for me. 

35) Down 3

Excellent bidding game, though I don't get to play it as much as I'd like. I do want the 80s version and combine them together for the different artwork and metal clips the 80's version comes with. 

34) Down 16

My girls were more interested in the pieces than the gameplay but this is still a fun game I love playing and I know they'll come to appreciate it more when they understand the rules better. It shot down the list this year but as the girls get better at gaming, I'm positive it'll move back up!

33) Down 6

Great figures. The gameplay is simple enough for kids to enjoy. With Marvel United in my life however, I'm unsure how often this will be played in the future. 

32) Down 19

Only played once this year but I fully expect it to rocket back up the list next year if it gets more plays!

31) Up 22

#4 favorite game from my girls and I love it too. Will most likely rise on the list next year as we only keep bringing this one out on the table more and more as the year goes on. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)


50) Down 21

Barely making the Top 50 was this one. it sank low from the previous year buts that's because its only been played once this year. Wildly enough the Mrs played it with me. She rarely plays games, but this one still catches her interest. Not sure how it will hold up next year since she plays less games not that the girls are playing with me, but we'll just have to wait and see!

49) Up 12

Fun, simple game. The buzzard is great and my girls and I had a fun time screaming everytime it swooped down to pick us up! You really feel this bird has it out for you! As long as it stays functional it'll probably have a home in the Top 50. 

48) Down 7

I love the game just fine but just because something comes with a high price tag and has a 3D board, doesn't mean it's the "best" game out there. It's a fun game. NOT worth all the money people are trying to sell it for however. 93% chance in my opinion. 

47) Down 2

Excellent push-your-luck game. Ravensburger made some good ones back in the day. Not sure why it slipped a few places. Perhaps because I've only played it with the games and not with my nephews like I have in the past. 

46) Down 11

A game I never win out but still offers tons of fun to play. Great theme and something I think a lot of non-gamers would enjoy as well as those who love the hobby. 

45) Down 25

Only played once, which is why it's fallen on the list this year. Great game, though I've had to cut the money needed to win the game by 1/3 to help speed it up. The regular version tends to go a little too long during plays. Cutting the total makes the game faster. 

44) Up 2

Fun 2 player game. The girls have enjoyed it too yet they haven't mastered the skill required to put together some great games of this yet. Classic game I played back in my childhood. Happy to have a copy today. 

43) Up 4

Family co-op game. As my kids get older I hope to have some epic games of this in the next few years. If that's the case, I expect this to move up the list too!

42) Down 10

Super awesome game. I don't have many people to play it with me, and it only got played once, which is why is probably sank down the list. This could be in my Top 10 if it got to the table more often. 

41) Up 11

Easy set up. Fun to play and fast! I love them when they're fast and fun!! My girls came up with an interesting way to play. it defied strategy but threw me off my game enough to make things fun. Don't know how much higher this could get but I know this will most likely be in my Top 50 next year as well. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)

 60) Up 20

This one went up the rankings thanks to the purge. I could never get rid of this one. It means so much to me. I wish I played it more but a vintage bluffing game based off a broadway musical in the 60s really limits the people's excitment in playing with me. 

59) Up 30

Not a fan of this game but like I said in my video, it gets played a lot, which is why it's so high up on my list. Megan's family loves the game and it gets plenty of play time around the holidays because of that. If I got rid of this game, her family would riot. 

58) Up 16

Great Waddington game. When my boy gets a few years older, I can see us playing this one a lot!

57) Up Even

One of the few games uneffecticed by my purge. This game sat at its same position as last year. Again, I never look at last year's list until I'm done with this one. So it always amazes me when a game (outside of the top ten) remains the same in rank. 

56) Up 17

Fun battle game. It moves up (like most games this low) due to the purge. But like I said in my video, if it weren't for the massive sert up time, this would easily be in my Top 50. 

55) Down 4

Egad! The first game to drop in rank on my list! Only because my girls are just a little too young for this one. Next year that should change. Again, my son is going to be the one who loves this one the most and when I start playing it more regularly, I wager this moves up my list even higher. 

54) Up 21

Close to my Top 50 but not yet in. My girls have played it once with me this year but it never gets requested like other games we have. This is one of the few games Megan plays with us as well. 

53) Up 13

This is my girls #1 game of all time. They love plahying this one and always request it. It's not in my Top 50 because I'm slightly annoyed we play it so much. But overall, I'm happy my girls love playing anything from my collection!

 52) Up 6

Simple game. Easy to play and fast. When my girls get better at it, I'm sure it will get played even more than it does now. 

51) Up 9

Maybe #3 favorite for my girls? It's easy to set up and quick to play which is why its ranked so high. But it's pretty simple, even for a vintage game. So for now it sits outside my Top 50. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll welcome it back into the list?

Ok folks, see you tomorrow with more!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)

 Now that my Top 50 videos are done on YouTube. I thought I'd spend time for the next 2 weeks going into the statitics of my games and how they faired from the year before since I didn't get a chance to do that in the videos. 

#66 (Up 5)

Thanks to the purge. Though I have no desire to get rid of this game it is difficult to bring out for all the reasons I listed. I think stays at the bottom of my list next year too for that reason. 

#65 (Up 35)

Saved from the Purge because Megan would kill me if I got rid of it. It never gets played though. Another contender for last place next year. 

#64 (Up 32)

This one may go up next year. My girls LOVE Barbie and this is one of their favorite games at the moment. Time will tell if I'll ever come around to giving it a shot myself. 

#63 (Up 2)

Straight forward racing game that I enjoy. Also one of the few games Megan still plays with me. 

#62 (Up 8)

One of the few games in my colleciton that didn't get played. (only online) I love this game and to be honest, if I played it more it would deifnitly rise on my list. 

#61 (Up 16)

Simple racing game. Nothing more. If it wasn't for the board and pieces, I wouldn't even have this in my collection. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

A Quiet Place: Day One

 This movie should've been called "A Quiet Place Part 3: More of the same stuff....but boring"

What a horrible movie that doesn't bring anything new to the franchise. This is the 2nd movie they've made after the first one that continues to COPY the same movie over and over, seeing how stupid the audience is and how many times they'll pay to see the same thing repeated to death. 

I LOVED the first movie. It was brilliant. But the more of these that come out the less interesting they become. 

I was so bored during this movie. I don't understand why it was made for anything other than a cheap cash grab. AVOID if you haven't seen it already. 

Remember how good the first one was and never go back to this franchise again. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Twisters (Review)

 Megan wanted to see this movie, so I went with her. (though not that excited)

The movie is neither a reboot nor a "sequel" though they do establish that both movies take place in the same world. None of the new characters connect to the previous movie either. 

This movie Suprisingly fun at that! I was shocked at how enjoyable it was. It won't make "movie of the year" for me, but it's worth your time. 

Glen Powell and the weather scenes ar ethe two best things about this movie. Remove one or the other and it wouldn't have been as good. But together, the movie as a whole works well. 

If you haven't already, check it out!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Uncharted Space

 Another fan expansion is on the rise for TI4 and rumor has it, that its going into print with the next attempt at printing Discordant Stars!

All this expansion is, is more planets. From what I understand, you create a whole other galaxy on the board made up entirely over "super" planets that give you random bonuses each round. Sound tempting? 

It won't be easy to get there. You have to aquire technology to pass through supernovas as the A and B wormholes are located on top of one entrance into uncharted space. 

The only other way to go is to discover the Y wormhole but even then, you appear before a black hole and have a 50/50 shot of making it out alive. 

I LOVE this idea for an expansion and would definitely add it to my Discordant Stars pledge if it ever comes true!

Again, the imagination and creativity from the fans is aweinspiring! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

In a Violent Nature (review)

 This is a horror movie told from the point of view of the silent killer. 

As the average story plot of a horror movie plays out, you only see things from the killer's viewpoint. So you're only catching bits and pieces of conversation, some of which are far off. 

It's an interesting idea but gets old quick. After a while the novelty of it all wears off and you start getting bored fast. This should have been a short film. It would've been way more popular in my opinion. 

This is the movie you play on 2x speed and wait patiently to be over. It's not the worst thing I've seen, it's just a 15 minutes short film that had a great idea until someone tried stretching it out to movie length.