Saturday, May 28, 2022

Survivor 42 Winner

 Here we go again. 

Though not as bad as last season, this season only had one person worth cheering for and that was Jonathan. 

But when he left it was a no brainer Mike was the clear winner. He orchestrated SO many votes and was directing the entire game almost the whole time, it isn't shocking anymore to see the person who did the least to rock the boat wins again. 

Maryanne did NOTHING the entire season but laugh and be clueless on most of the tribals. 

So she had an immunity idol and never told what?! She didn't DO anything with it!? Like the rest of the game she just sat there and let the game play around her. 

The one jury member she voted out didn't even bear the support of the tribe. She did it on her own. She was USELESS. 

But that's what Survivor is. It's not about who deserves it the most but who hurt the least amount of feelings across the way to get to the end. 

Survivor is about a big a joke as it's winners these days. 

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