Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Superman: Brainiac Attacks

At the end of the final season of the Superman cartoon there's an ad for the upcoming direct-to-DVD movie that I decided to watch. I never heard of it before and don't recall anyone ever talking about it.

Funny because most of the Batman movies from the animated series of some of the best stories told! So I was excited to see this one....and now I know why no one ever talks about it.

First off, look at that cover....ugh! No effort put in to make it look half way decent. And that should give you a good idea of how well made this movie is.

It's bad. In fact, it's worse than any single episode of the series. Let me break it down:

The Good

Superman and Brainiac REALLY duke it out in this movie. In fact, close a quarter of the movie is just them slamming each other around. I mean, it's a beat down. At one point Superman is just chucking missals over and over on brainiac's head. It's pretty awesome and brutal at the same time. 

The Bad

It's pretty evident that the writers never watched the TV series before making this movie. Brainiac shows emotion (unlike the show) and Lex Luthor acts down right stupid at times. A complete 180 to his calm cool collective self. It was strange to watch.

Also the movie hints that Brainiac and Luthor have never met before? They don't come out and say it but it could be taken that way. Which is weird because in the TV series they have a rivalry. Now it could be explained that when Brianiac dies (in the begining) and is reborn by Luthor that Brainiac's memory was missing too. Entirely possible. And that Luthor took advantage of that and formed an alliance with him. At least that's the best I can explain it.

The Ugly

So Superman and Lois both suffer kryptonite poisoning by Brainiac. Superman finds the cure in space, collects a sample in a vile for Lois but has another huge knockdown drag out fight with Mega-Brainiac (who is in a robot the size of King Kong) and is getting bashed around town with it in his back pocket and it doesn't even break?

Oh but when he gives it to Lois Brainiac (who we thought was dead but isn't) swipes it from Superman and throws it on the hospital floor where it shatters into a million pieces.....what?!

But don't worry because Superman has another way to cure her....ready for this? With a kiss.

No joke. Total Snow White ending.....wow.

Oh and in the movie Superman self-destructs his fortress of solitude....I guess with all the near extinct animals in it? Dang! Really wish the writers would've watched the TV series instead of looked at the cliff notes of the show on wikipedia. 

Overall, a pretty underwhelming movie. If you loved the TV series....I wouldn't bother watching this one.

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