Thursday, January 09, 2014

Yes, yes a million times YES!


Disney has just assigned a group that will be combining the Star War Expanded Universe as OFFICIAL CANNON with the movies!!

It's too early to know what all this means and nothing has been announced as to what's going on but this gives me great hope as a Star Wars fan who has been fighting for the authors since day 1 of the Disney takeover. To destroy over 30 years of excellent EU material would be a disservice to all those who contributed into making Star Wars so extremely important to me today. I hope the people in the Group will take careful consideration on that when making their final decision.

If they keep the books and comics intact I'll have no problem fully endorsing their movies. In my opinion this would be the best step Disney could take. It would totally revolutionize the Star Wars industry!

Think about it, this is a smart move for Disney. If they make all the books cannon all they have to do in Episode 7 is start showing these characters from the novels and get everyone saying "What's their background?" They could revitalize the EU market and make millions! (and you know how much Hollywood loves the almighty dollar) This also serves as a big "Thank You" for the fans like me who have spent their lives growing up and loving these stories.

There's no telling when they will make everything official but with the 2 biggest supporters of EU in Leland Chen and Pablo Hildgado being on the group and hand picked by Lucasfilm CEO Kathleen Kennedy, I see this as very good news.

Here's to hoping my dream comes true for the Star Wars EU!

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