Friday, January 17, 2014

More Star Wars problems

Yikes! Are you hearing what I'm hearing about the upcoming Episode 7?!

It seems the real reason Arndt left was a disagreement over the script between himself and JJ. Abrams gave him the boot and took over script duties. But with NO ONE announced as cast for this film it tells me they're STILL not done with a script. 

The newest rumor is that now the main characters from the original trilogy (Luke, Leia and Han) will be the leads of the movie instead of just supporting characters...and that's not sitting well with a few movie critics.

Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher haven't been the lead character in a movie for decades and even a few years back, both acknowledged they had trouble remembering so many lines and we all know how sad we felt to see Harrison Ford gallivanting around in his Indy's duds once again only to see how far his star has fallen.

Don't get me wrong. I'm FOR this cast to work but even through the most rose colored glasses I can find, I still have worries about this film.

If you remember my Indy 5 review years ago on the blog, I said that even though it was good to see Harrison Ford back as Indiana Jones  the movie bummed me out as a whole because I'd rather have remembered Dr Jones valiantly riding off into the sunset at the end of "The Last Crusade" rather than old and decrepit in "Crystal Skull"

In other news that'll make you coocoo for coco puffs, the big rumor on the Boba Fett spin-off film is that they're going to change your favorite bounty hunters origin from the prequel. Yep, that's right! Even continuity in the films will mean nothing as we sink to the level of Star Trek and start writing whatever garbage people feel like! It's no secret Lawrence Kasdan HATED the prequel movies, especially Boba's origin so it wouldn't surprise me if he did decide to change it.

Again, I have a bad feeling about this.


Unknown said...

These rumors are indeed some of the wildest yet, so I wouldn't put much stock in them. Remember, Disney wants to sell merchandise to a newer, younger generation of fans, and having a bunch of old timers cavorting around the galaxy isn't gonna make for an appealing lunchbox. So while it may be true as to why Ardnt was ousted by Abrams, Disney would likely overrule something as drastic as a Star Wars film led by the elderly. Besides, It would be a far cheaper thing for them to cast unknowns who won't ask for as much money, as opposed to OT cast, and have them want an crazy amount of cash 'cause they know what big bucks star wars already is.

kidcardco said...

As always I put 50/50 in all rumors. But I've been hearing a lot of talk that the main three are going to be headlining this.

I agree these are rumors and until 2015 (if Abrams has a script in place by then) I'm sure we'll be hearing more concrete evidence about 7.

Unknown said...

Well as of yesterday, straight from Abrams, they have a script completed, and are in "deep prep" for filming to begin in May.

Also, I watched the behind the scenes features for Star Trek Into Darkness the other day, and I really liked what I saw in regard to how JJ makes movies. He used a surprising amount of practical effects and seemed to rely on CG only when absolutely necessary. This is a good sign in my book.