Saturday, January 25, 2014

5 MORE things I want from the New onwers of Star Wars

Last year I listed 5 things I want from Disney in expectation of their new Star Wars acquirement. Now I know they haven't really done much with it so far but who can blame them?

But on top of what I said last time, here's a few more things I'd like to see come out from the new owners of the franchise.

 1) Star Wars 1313

I can't believe I'm even talking about this but the Star Wars 1313 game looked pretty cool. Though I never would've played it, I think a novel about the game would've been very interesting indeed. Lucasfilm just abandoned the copyright recently so this is a dead duck as far as they're concerned. But if Disney ever wanted to tell it's story (at least in book form) I'd be reading.
 2) Droids and Ewoks (the complete series on DVD)

I already have a burned copy of these on DVD but I'd love to see an official release of them both as well. Again, this is easy money that Lucas has been sitting on for years so I have no idea why they haven't done this before now.

 3)  Holiday Special on DVD.

I know why this one isn't out. But c'mon, It's such a cult classic why resist bringing out an official release with commentary and (possibly) deleted scenes that were so bad they couldn't even make THIS film!

Can you imagine how much fun it would be to hear Peter Mayhew's drunken commentary about how he never knew why was going on the whole time this was filmed? And that he thought this was the sequel to Star Wars?! Also, some additional footage of the late great Bea Arthur would be welcomed as well. I say GO FOR IT!

 4) Webstrips collection
Back in the good ole days of Hyperspace, they came out with daily comic strips on their site. Depicting either the clone wars, pre-episode 3 lead ins or basically any other stories they could think of.

I kept up with and enjoyed each one, But when Hyperspace was taken down, these comic strips classics vanished from appearance, never to be seen again. Why don't they come out with a collection of the Web Comics made? I'm shocked Dark Horse hasn't done this yet.

Last year Dark Horse released an Omnibus titled "Wild Space" which depicted all the random comic book stories that were out there. Like the UK comics or older Kenner Toys comic books. It was great to see these hard to find gems, However when the much anticipated Wild Space 2 came out, it was just a collection of One-shots that were easily attainable anywhere on the web.

There's been a recent push by fans to have Wild Space 3 feature the old comic strips that were posted online but Dark Horse hasn't responded to the request. I think the reason is they don't have the rights to publish these strips, hence no Omnibus talk about them,

It's a shame, because these strips weren't that bad and a collection of them all in one book would be well worth my money and time to read!
5) Escape from DDig
The Clone Wars novel that was completed, even given cover art as seen above, but NEVER got published. The reason being was that Del Roy's under contract that they can only release "X" amount of books a year over their contract with Lucasfilm. But my question is this; why not release it now?

There's been a "freeze" on the novels thanks to Episode 7 so not many books are being released. Why not do it now when you have nothing else to put out? They've already paid the author for it and now it's just sitting on some editor's computer waiting for someone to press "print"

My guess would be maybe they think it's been too long since the release of the prequel movies that no one will care, But I argue that wouldn't be true. Though Shaak Ti never was a personal favorite of mine I would be interested in reading a story that might tell me more about this unknown extra who was in Episode 3 for a few seconds.

Do I expect any of these things to happen? No, but it's nice to dream ain't it?

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