Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Wicked Litte Letters (review)

 This movie could have been great. 

The acting is good. The look of it is great. The true story behind it all, basically writes itself as its based off a true story about the police looking for someone who was writing dirty letters to people in town, in hope her neighbor got arrested for it. 

The true story is worth checking out....the movie, isn't. It misses the obvious comedy such a story would present. If everyone is offended by the letters (which they were in real life) the movie degrades that by showing everyone uses such language in town, they just don't like to see it in writing? It made no sense. 

The movie didn't have to be so crass. But instead, it was and its a shame because this could have been great. 

Dang. Pass. Not worth your time. 

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