Friday, October 04, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (15)


Place these toll booths to gasin points for every building located on a road tile one completed and 2 points for any meeples on it. Then, flip it over and place on another uncompleted road and score 2 points for each road building. It's an ok expansion. I love the importance they place on building roads but most times people forget they even have a toll booth and choose not to place one on the board in the first place. For that reason, I don't play with it as often as I'd like. 


Whenever these tiles are played, players may place their tokens and connect roads from one tunnel to the next, increasing points to their road. Any expansion making roads more valuable is welcome in my games. But there's so few of these tiles that it seems you place your tokens out quick and then the expansion means nothing going forward. I don't mind adding it to my games but I wish it came with more tiles and tokens to make the game more relevant as it went on. 


Just a promo tile they made to support the country. They stated that you can "make you own rules" but I just keep it as a regular tile and add it to the base game. Nothing special. 


Surround these tiles to gain the points indicated on the watchtower. I love the idea but rarely are these surrounded and when they are, they rarely yeild big points which is why most people just ignore them when they come out. A shame, because I like the idea, I just wish there were more points allocated to completing them. That way there would be more interest in them when they came out. 

Almost done folks! See you next week for the wrap up!

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