Thursday, October 03, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (14)


When scoring these tiles you get an extra point if the road follows the direction of the arrow from the previous tile. Just another way to score more points on roads which I like. I use this one a lot in my games but don't think any of the others have figures out a good way to score big points on these yet so my group largely ignores these tiles which is sad. I think they have a lot more potential than most people give them credit for. 

Spiel Dochi

Just 2 promo tiles that if they weren't so cheap I wouldn't bother getting. 

The Phantom

By far one of the most popular mini-expansions in my gaming group. This allows you to place your meeple in the same road or city as another player. Leading to lots of poitn sharing (or gaining) opportunities. What a simple expansion to place in the game that changes it on epic levels. A must in every game we play!

The River

Start tiles that everyone loves but I think is overated. Sure it adds more places to begin but isn't really that special. I'll play with it from time to time but it doesn't live up to the hype you hear from everyone else as being a "must" for expansions. 

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