Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Souvenir Shops

 Whenever we go to the beach my wife always wants to go Souvenir shopping. The store that is packed with cheap carnie crap that is overpriced no matter what their "deals" say. Obvious tourist traps, they don't even try to hide it. Yet people flock to them and throw their money away on cheap trinkets that will be lost, broken or forgotten in under a year. 

It's also a disaster everytime we go. Kids are hungry, tired, angry, fussy and constantly fighting. A nightmare. 

But just like Clark Griswold on Vacation, Megan daydreams about this being a family trip which will carry memorable moments. 

Like the times I have to drag children screaming out of the store because we wouldn't buy them a $15 pack of cards. 

Waste of time. 

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