Monday, September 16, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (1)

 For the next few weeks I'll be ranking what I think are the best, mediorcre and worst expansions for the game. Just like I did with Alhambra last month. 

I'll start with the base expansions first and the mini-expansions afterwards. 

Adding value to both roads and cities, this is a fine expansion. It doesn't change the overall feel of the game. It's a nice addition to have but not one I must play with every time. 

This adds extra pieces such as pigs (which increase farmer points) and builders, which give you back to back turns when you play in the same road/city as the builder. This really helps pick up the tempo of the game and is a solid one to have. I'd play this one in most games if only for the builders. 

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