Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (8)


The Cathedrals

Get 2x points on completed roads and one point for each road connected to a cathedral you own. I like this expansion too and when playing with the abbot its a great addition to have. 

Crop Circles

When selected you must place or remove one of your meeples in the indicated area. Great idea for an expansion though I don't play with it every time. 

The Cult

Place this next to a road, city or abbey and if you finish the project first, YOU get the points over the other player. MEAN expansion but one of our favorites to play with. It puts extra emphasis on completing certain areas on the board. 

The Drawbridges

Complete the road, score it and walk your meeple into the city regardless of who's already there. MASSIVE expansion we play with a lot. Really adds new strategies and dimensions into the game that didn't previously exist. 

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