Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Might as well be stsarring at the sun

Another beach "tradition" I could do without is the annual beach family photo. Sure it's great to look back on as the years go by and see how much everyone has grown but you also have 20-30 minutes of fighting with kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time. 

Even if you get the perfect photo, you're penalized all the same and have to stay out in the blazing sun for as long as you possibly can to get the unattainable "perfect" shot. 

You also as tasked with starring at the sun since you can't have it ruin the shot behind you in the picture. (though most cameras adjust for that now) So a few weeks ago before we left, I spent 20 minutes making myslef go blind, starring into the sun and trying to hold a smile while my children cried. 

Perfect moments like these will be captured for all enternity in photos which will remind me of these terrible times of modern day torture. 

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