Friday, September 20, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (5)

 Not the biggest fan of Hills, but it does speed up the game, so there's that. The shepherds in the game are a nice touch though and one I enjoy. This is a decent expansion that I play with here and there. 

Do you want to go around the score board 8 times? If you like mega scoring in your game THIS is the expansion to get. I really do enjoy all the massive amount of points you can get in the game. Though it is a little over the top, it's always fun to play. One of the best expansions they ever made for the base game. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (4)

 No. Never. Don't be fooled by the market price of this game right now. It's only high because they never reprinted it. And they never reprinted it because it sucked. 

Turning Carcasonne into a party game was a terrible idea. And my catapult never seems to work very well even though it's in perfect condition. Avoid at all cost!

The castles and bazaars are interesting but the one that makes this expansion great are the bridges. Having the ability to create roads so that tiles can fit is a great concept and one I love playing with! This is one of the better expansions to be sure!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (3)

 Abbey's are a nice way to bring attention to the smaller details included on previous tiles and giving them additional way you can scroe. Mayor's are nice but since they are regulated to only cities, not too powerful. 

The independant cities with walls are nice when you need to fill in those holes in the game but can't find the right tile. This expansion is one of the better ones to be sure. 

Ugh, not really the biggest fan of this one but it IS creative. I just wish you could easily remember what section of the city did what for your meeples. Plus, tracking who has the biggest scoring road and city can be done by planting a meeple of a neutral color on the score tracker to remind everyone the record to beat. It's not a bad expansion, just one I don't play with all to often. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (2)

 Not really a fan of this one, which screws over other players, by booting them out of cities or off the board if the dragon gets them. Also, the fairy just makes the game drag out longer. A know there are a lot of fans for this one, but I only play with it every so often to change up the gameplay. 

Man. Worth getting for the tile tower that comes with it but it's also a "screw you" expansion that I really hate playing with. It's almost impossible to score long roads or cities because other players are SURE to screw you before you can cash in on massive points. Another one I rarely play with. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Ranking the Carcasonne Expansions (1)

 For the next few weeks I'll be ranking what I think are the best, mediorcre and worst expansions for the game. Just like I did with Alhambra last month. 

I'll start with the base expansions first and the mini-expansions afterwards. 

Adding value to both roads and cities, this is a fine expansion. It doesn't change the overall feel of the game. It's a nice addition to have but not one I must play with every time. 

This adds extra pieces such as pigs (which increase farmer points) and builders, which give you back to back turns when you play in the same road/city as the builder. This really helps pick up the tempo of the game and is a solid one to have. I'd play this one in most games if only for the builders. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Santa Bowl Update V

 BOOM! Here's the artwork for this year's Santa Bowl! One of my favorites yet!

We're only a few months away now and I still have one final thing to show you before the BIG game so stay tuned for more updates in the future!

(doesn't this image make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?)

Friday, September 13, 2024

Ready or Not (Review)

 A bride marries in to the family and that night takes part in a long tradition where she plays a game with the family at midnight. Unfortunanly for her, the one randomly chosen for her is the game of Hide and Seek. When the family finds you, they kill you and sacrifice you to Satan to retain their wealth and power or the entire family dies from their deal with the devil. 

The game hasn't been chosen in 30 years and now the bride is trying to survive until dawn to win. 


The movie doesn't take itself too seriously nor does it appear campy. The set design is flawless, as is the story. So much fun. I couldn't believe I've never heard of this movie before. I was engaged the entire time and laughed at the comedic moments that took a dark subject and added a little fun to the plot. 

Worth your time to watch. Excellent movie. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Night House (review)

 Never judge a movie by its trailer. And looking at the trailer to this film, you'd think you've uncovered a hidden gem of a horror movie, only to watch it and see why no one is talking about it. It sucks. 

Woman's husband dies. She starts sleep walking (like her husband did when they first bought the home) and has vivd dreams that seem real. There's also another mysterious house in the woods that is similar to her's but built "backward".

Right there is the perfect hook for your only if they knew which direction to take it. 

After this it reverts to a simplistic Hallmark story where there's nothing but her talking about the grief to her fellow workmates. Then goes to a more "CSI" TV episode where she discovers her husband was a serial killer who killed himself so he wouldn't hurt his wife and instead of a ghost she felt in the hosue, it was instead his "evil persona" who was haunting her, trying to get her to kill herself. (for absolutely no reason) 

Complete waste of time. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Might as well be stsarring at the sun

Another beach "tradition" I could do without is the annual beach family photo. Sure it's great to look back on as the years go by and see how much everyone has grown but you also have 20-30 minutes of fighting with kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time. 

Even if you get the perfect photo, you're penalized all the same and have to stay out in the blazing sun for as long as you possibly can to get the unattainable "perfect" shot. 

You also as tasked with starring at the sun since you can't have it ruin the shot behind you in the picture. (though most cameras adjust for that now) So a few weeks ago before we left, I spent 20 minutes making myslef go blind, starring into the sun and trying to hold a smile while my children cried. 

Perfect moments like these will be captured for all enternity in photos which will remind me of these terrible times of modern day torture. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Souvenir Shops

 Whenever we go to the beach my wife always wants to go Souvenir shopping. The store that is packed with cheap carnie crap that is overpriced no matter what their "deals" say. Obvious tourist traps, they don't even try to hide it. Yet people flock to them and throw their money away on cheap trinkets that will be lost, broken or forgotten in under a year. 

It's also a disaster everytime we go. Kids are hungry, tired, angry, fussy and constantly fighting. A nightmare. 

But just like Clark Griswold on Vacation, Megan daydreams about this being a family trip which will carry memorable moments. 

Like the times I have to drag children screaming out of the store because we wouldn't buy them a $15 pack of cards. 

Waste of time. 

Monday, September 09, 2024

Fall (review)

 Jeremy picked out this movie to watch at the beach last month. I'd never heard about it but it's the story of 2 thrill seekers who climb to the top a giant tv tower only to be trap up at the top with no way down. 

It's your typically situational thriller that's a fun popcorn movie and worth watching once. There's even a twist at the end though I didn't feel the movie needed one. It held up well enough without it. 

If you're looking for a thriller to watch, this one is worth your time. 

Friday, September 06, 2024

Trap (review)


Watched it last month at the beach. 

Not as good as the trsailer indicsated. I found out what the issue was after doing a little research. The director's daughter was the singer in the movie, which is why it focused on her music more than the movie at times. 

There's also a ridiculous scene where his daughter suddenly becomes the main character in the movie for a moment. It feels forced and doesn't work well with the flow of the film. 

Ultimitely, this was an excellent idea ruined by a director who has lost his way in telling stories. 

Sad to see. 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Twilight Imperium Upgrade!

 Just bought these for my next game. People kept asking where the wormholes in the game were and this way, they won't ask again. 

I love the look of these, PLUS they're much bigger than I thought they'd be. I like the look of them and think they'll enhance the game. 

For now I have nothing else on my radar to help "upgrade" for the game but we'll see what the future holds. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Campaign Trail Promos (mini-review)

Got a few promos for what's quickly been becoming one of my favorite games in my colleciton.
I did hold off getting them for a while. But after playing with so many personalities I had to get the remaining ones I was missing from my game. 

 While all of them are different, I wouldn't really say any of them are a "must". I do know more people to choose from, makes for a better game all around! And if its a game I love, than the promos are worth it for me. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)


10) Up 7

Megan's favorite game to play. It's been on my list for years and just now hit my top 10. There's stiff competition behind it so it may not last for long though I do believe it'll stay inside the Top 20. 

9) Even

Unless it drops in number of times it comes to the table, I don't see this game leaving the Top 10 next year.

8) Down 5

This was the hardest game to see drop. Sure it's still a Top 10 game of mine, but earlier this year I almost had it at #1. So next year, I think it moves back up. Perhaps even to #5. 

7) Up 15

Girls #2 favorite game. I love it too. So happy they're playing with me. We bring this out all the time. I've played it more than any other previous year. Lovely classic!
6) Up 8

Almost perfect 2 player game. Honestly. Last year it fell from the Top 10 because it didn't come to the table as much. I played it more this year. Can it return to #1 again? I don't think so, but think it will retain it's place in the Top 10. 
5) Up 5

Highest this game has ever been. Is that because I finally won at it? Yes. So it may fall back down the Top 10....or....I am bringing it to LegendsCon II this year. So maybe #1? We'll see. 

4) Up 3

This one also has a chance at the coveted #1 spot now that I'm playing the classic version with my kids. Plus, if Restoration Games ever makes the final expansion, it could be enough to push it all the way to the top!
3) Up 3

Another game that almost took the #1 spot for a while. I don't know of anyone who DOESN'T love this push your luck game. Will it get the title next year? It's not a long shot to say "yes"
#2) Even

If it's not #1 this is the only other spot for it to be. Perfect 10! I'm on the fence on whether to bring this one to LegendsCon next year only due to the fact that it's two players and takes a lot longer to play. 

1) Up 3

Welcome back to the #1 position once again! So why wouldn't it not keep it's #1 ranking? I'm considering of moving this game back onto my "current" list. I think it can go toe to toe with the big dogs. No problem. Leaving next's years #1 up in the air.

Ok folks, that's all for now. See you later on this year for my Top 100 CURRENT Board Games! 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Top 50 Vintage Games 2024 (in review)


20) Up 5

This game has continued to rise on my list each year I put it together. So I'm predicting it increases again in 2025.

19) Up 31

Thanks to the latest expansion, this series rocketed up my list! I'm predicting it drops a little next year because the "newness" will likely wear off some and give it a different score. 

18) Up 19

Another game that gets more enjoyable over the years. This one has a chance at staying in my Top 20 for next year but I don't think it's a Top 10 game. 

17) Up 7

Former #1 that is working its way back up the list. I badly want to play this in McDonald's but that may never happen. If it did....yes, it has a chance at becoming #1 again. 
16) Down 4

Another classic game I enjoy playing. Megan hasn't beat me yet at it but that undefested streak is sure to come to an end one day soon! This game will remain in the Top 20 but with harder competition at the top, I'm not sure if it'll see the Top 10 again. 
15) Up 15

Again #6 or #7 for the girls. Its led to some hilarious reactions while playing and I KNOW if I brought this out with the right adults, this would be gangbusters! Automatic Top 10 if that were to happen. 

14) Up 5

Again, fast and fun! This one moves up slightly on the list. It's too expensive to get online anymore, but the fun factor is at a 10! Not sure how much higher it can cllimb up the list but I think saying it stays within my Top 20 is a safe bet. 

13) Up 2

I keep waiting for Restoration Games to make an annoucement about the new version coming out.... but nothing at GenCon tells me they're no where near making it. Bummer. The original is excellent. A reprint would most likely elevate it to my Top 10 no questions asked!

12) Down 7

Another former #1 which has now dropped out of the Top 10. But only because I haven't played it as much this year. Great 2 player game that I'm sure will stay a Top 20 game in 2025. 

11) Up 5

When the reprint comes out later this year, I predict this will hit my Top 10. It barely missed out this year.