Friday, July 29, 2022

Celestia Promo Card (mini-review)

Time for a short review on one of my favorite board games! 

The first promo I got was the grappling hook. It allows you to jump back onto the ship if you jumped out too early. 

It's not necessary to get because it was included in later expansions but I picked up a few because they were free and didn't add anything to shipping. 

This next one is the "Instructor" He let's you dig through the deck and switch out a treasure card. Not as powerful as I thought it'd be because you only benefit from it on lower point cards, but fun to have in my set all the same. 

 The final one is a new city tile you start on called Martyoshburg. 

This let's you do one of 3 things at the beginning of a round:

1) Draw a card

2) Exchange cards in your hand with those from the deck

3) Discard your treasure card to the bottom of the deck for the next card on top

I like this one, though it isn't used that much in our games unless you're close to the win and are looking for a higher point card, OR you're hand sucks and you want to discard your cards for better ones. 

Worth having but not necessary to enjoy the game with. 

All in all, I'm glad I have them and can recommend them if you're a big fan of the game! 

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