Monday, June 14, 2021

The Only Game in Town (Review)

 The 3rd book in the Spirit Flyer series once again shifts it's focus to a new kid in town (Daniel) and a new "game" in town as well, where all the kids are ranked from worst to first. Since Daniel's a Christian, he gets the unfortunate title of "Rank Blank" and is shamed by every other kid in town....except for the Spirit Flying Cramer kids who try to welcome him into their flock. 

This book is showing the difficulties of young Christians trying to fit in to a secular world that doesn't accept them. It does a pretty good job with the premise and makes for an overall interesting story as you hear about every kid jockeying for a better position on the board. 

Eventually Daniel will see the truth and realize the "Game" isn't as important as walking with God....I mean, riding a Spirit Flyer. 

Like I said, these get real hokey at the end but it's okay because the overall story is engaging. 

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