Monday, November 30, 2020

Zombies!!! 65 Be Prepared

 Time to earn your badges as you march through a scout camp with both girl and boy scout zombies as well as scout leader zombies. Just like previous expansions you can have kids on the same square as adults.

But the coolest feature about this expansion will be the badge tokens you can earn throughout the game that will score you extra points at the end. 

Merit badges will be given out for the following:

- Died by zombie attack (negative points)

- Killed zombie without using re-roll

- Killed zombie without  using bullet

- Rolled 6 for movement

- Rolled 6 on a kill

- Killed 3 zombies in one turn

And so on and so forth. I would even add a player board the shape of a sash to place all your badges on. 

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