Monday, November 02, 2020

Top 100 Review (#40-31)



Simple racing game around the board with the fun mechanic of being able to hop on top of another player and move with them. This game moved up 8 spots because of the fun factor and the fact that the Mrs loves it. I think it's not done climbing my list just yet. 


A new game on my list that shocked my friends when they saw how low it ranked but that only gives it room to grow next year, which I have no doubt it will. 


Another new game added to my list which is incredible fun. However, it is a two player game which means it may fall slightly on the list next year. 


Another new game from Waddington. Love the look, the pieces and the gameplay to it. But I have a feeling it may drop slightly on the list next year since the "newness" factor will have cooled by then. Doesn't mean it isn't a great game though!


These two games keep rising on my list though only by 1 spot this year. I think it's found it's spot on the my list now and won't be moving up anymore. I still like Under Siege better but will play both all the same. 


A new game on my list I'm so thankful to have in my collection. Though the ice tray is a little fractured, the game still is playable but I may buy one of the reskins of the game and play that instead from now on. 


This game only climbed 1 spot on my list but looking at the games ranked around it, that's quite an accomplishment. I love motorized games and this is one of my favorites to play. I don't think it'll ever crack my Top 30 due its simplicity but I also don't believe it'll fall below 40 on the list either. 


GREAT Batman game but drops 6 spots on the list because it does go a little long in the tooth. But the minis and art to this game are amazing none-the-less!


Though the reprint of the game IS nice, I even got to play my older version too for the first time and years and absolutely enjoyed it! This game soared 47 spots up the list and I think it'll push up to even higher spots in the coming years thanks to the reprint. 


Even though it was an election year this game still dropped 15 spots due to poor, poor, pieces. I wish it looked better because the gameplay IS fun. But now that the election year will pass, this game's going to tumble down the list in later years. 

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