Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Walking Dead (Comic review)

I was finally able to finish the Walk Dead comic series and to not reveal any spoilers I'll give you my thoughts.

Meh. The last story line with the Commonwealth didn't seem as dangerous or epic as all Rick's past "enemies" In fact, it was probably the most boring and repetitive of them all. Sure that's going to happen when I series goes long enough and maybe even why they decided to end the series but it was a little underwhelming to read in the end.

Although the shocking death near the end of the series was big the comic after seemed to drag on forever and was kind of a weird way to end it on a mini-adventure that ties to nothing from the regular story arc. But oh well, Kirkman ended it the way he wanted to. Now all that's left to see what story he'll come up with next.

I'm sure AMC will be interested.

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