Friday, May 15, 2020

Every Picture Tells a Story (36)

I remember this day well. These too guys were pranksters at a summer camp I used to attend. (we attended several back in the day if you haven't noticed by now) When these guys had been discovered as the culprits, I planned an ambush in the hallway to hit them with shaving cream (hence the mess on them in the pic)

After leading them into the trap I took off and later snuck back into my dorm room...only to find the two of them there. For some reason they thought it was my roommate who'd set them up and not me and they wanted revenge.

So I led them to my roommate's shoes and watched as they took shaving cream off themselves and gently laid it into his shoes.

Good times, good times...ok folks, that's all the pics I care to share for now. Have a good weekend!

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