Monday, May 11, 2020

Re-open America

It's time.

Over the weekend I've received sad news that 4 small businesses (that I know of, there could be more) have had to close down completely due to the State being closed.

2 weeks ago when the decision to extend the stay-at-home was made it instantly killed those businesses.  And over the weekend I hear there may be more.

I saw a clothing store in a shopping strip defying state law and open for business. I went in to visit and asked her what was going on. She told me a hard decision had to be made about her business on whether to reopen or shut down completely. She told me several others are thinking about shutting down for good as well but she opened up today to try to keep her business alive. Though only a few employees were underneath her she felt responsible for them as well.

Crushing to hear how this has impacted small business and that so many people are losing their jobs over this. The hope of joining other states last week in re-opening were dashed by the Governor, forcing them out of business.

And while those other state economies are back on the mend, we remain in disarray. A further extension I'm told would be devastating to even more businesses. I hope that's not the case tomorrow when we hear from the Governor.

I do know other parishes in the Louisiana have already been open for a few weeks now with no new cases of COVID-19. I hope that proves to be the case going forward though it's logical cases will continue to crop up.

Here's to hoping our Governor says "no" to more Federal funding and "yes" to its residents. 

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