Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Worst Board game Expansions

Sometimes expansions are a good thing, in this case, they aren't. Here's my Top 5 worst expansions.
 5) Cities of Splendor

I love the base game and though I play with the expansion from time to time, most times I don't. This expansion brings zero appeal to an already great game and that's the problem with it. I guess due to its popularity they figured they had to make something but this was a really bad move on their part. They should have just left well enough alone.

 4) Orleans Invasion

Another game of which I LOVE but this expansion got played once and has never seen the light of ay again. It's not that its bad, it's that its not very exciting. Unlike the other expansions, Invasion holds the least appeal to me when deciding to play this game.

 3) Zombies!!! 14

I've spoken about this one before. My gateway game came with a lot of expansions but this one is so bad it's almost pointless to get. It's painfully obvious that it wasn't even play tested because the game is so broken, everyone knows how to beat it after the first turn. Instead of moving around the station trying to catch the shuttle just sit right where you are. It'll come to your port eventually and then you just hop on board to win. Games always end in the 2nd round whenever we play it. Awful expansion with lazy effort put into it.

 2) Rokoko Jewelry Box

I was hoping this would bring more appeal to the base game but it goes the opposite direction and is the most forgettable expansion out there. NO ONE cares about the extra player board. The effort you have to make don't justify the small amount of points it brings in. Every time we've played with it only 1 person has ever used it. Shame.
1) Bootleggers: The Boardwalk

Not only is this the worst expansion in existence but it actually makes the game WORSE when played with. Some one would have to be nuts to utilize building a casino because doing so takes you completely out of the game and your fate in the hands of your opponents. What were they thinking?! Awful concept to what's a pretty decent game!

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