Tuesday, October 29, 2019

El Camino Review

I liked Breaking Bad and I love Better Call Saul, so when I heard they were making this movie I was all about it!

The story follows Jesse Pinkman and takes place right after the events of the final episode of Breaking Bad. Though riddled with flashbacks that have a lot of old cast members returning to reprise their role, the story completes the tale of what became of Jesse Pinkman afterwards. 

But I have to agree with the critics on this one when I say the whole thing fell flat.

I think it was several reasons. One, fans have moved on and are now invested in Better Call Saul. Pinkman and White's character arcs were essentially done in our opinion and no one was really bothered with how Jesse Pinkman was sent off in the finale of the show. 

So the question's asked "Did they have to tell this story?" No. It feels like the party's over and we went over to a friends house, played some music while we sat on the couch and thought about an awesome party we just went to.

That about sums this movie up. Not bad, but kind of pointless in the long run.

1 comment:

Melton said...

Yeah, I definitely disagree. I thought the movie was pointlessly slow in the middle - that was it's biggest flaw. But you can't pigeon-hole all BB fans into your love of BTS (which I also love). We can be both huge fans of Better Call Saul and also really like el camino.
Many of us were hugely invested in Pinkman - he was my favorite character of BB because of his redemption. Unlike Walt, he was TRYING (and failing) to "break good". I'm glad to have seen his character arc continue in this story.

Also, there are countless people discovering BB for the first time due to Netflix. Gilligan wants to give fans, old and new, more in that universe. I appreciate that. Heck, the scene in the diner with Walt made the whole movie.

Was it necessary? No. But lots of good things in life aren't "necessary". I don't need beer or red meat - but I sure do love them.