Monday, October 07, 2019

Top 10 Vintage Board games I wish I had in my collection

I don't get many vintage board games anymore but there's a few that if ever the price was right, I'd pick them up. Here they are:

Wild looking game where you're moving across town trying to get to one place to another. The Slog stops your movement (I have no idea what a Slog is but it looks like an old lady standing in the road)

The cool thing about this game is the bank which randomly shows the time, it will go as fast or as slow as it wants but you have no idea how much time you have until it's finally up.

Very interesting game I'd like to check out.


In this game you play card on spaces which tell you to do certain things. The cards are shuffled after each game so no two games are the same. Pretty neat concept. I saw this one at a flea market years ago before I knew anything about it and I failed to pick it up. Bummer because I haven't come across another one since. (except online)

 8) Park and Shop
This is a game I tried hard to get a few years ago but eventually gave up on it since the price was too high. It's based off a real live shopping center which created the game to hype up the excitement of shopping with them. Pretty smart idea if you ask me!

 7) Hawaiian Punch

Using play dough you try to make it around the board without getting smashed! I've always wanted a play dough game, this one looks to be the most fun out of the bunch!

6) Treasures and Trapdoors

Another game I came close to buying several times but backed out due to cost. The board game looks beautiful! With the bottom layer being where players fall into a snake pit and lose all their treasure. Looks like a clever game from Waddington!

 5) Dash n Dine
You're a waiter trying to get as many tables service until the sand time (which is a salt shaker) runs out. Pretty neat theme and the board looks beautiful! Only came out in the UK which is why the price is a little high.

 4) Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs

The pieces alone make this game highly desirable! I hear the game play isn't that bad either. There's also lava pieces for the exploding volcano which acts as a timer in the game. Incredibly good looking game!

3) Ice Cube

Hard not putting this at #1 but it's a fun little game where everyone has a real ice cube and they're trying to melt there opponent thru various ways on the board. "Boardgames with Scott" actually features a play thru of this once and it looks so much fun! But cost over a $100 on Ebay so no thanks!

2) Legend of Camelot

Almost forgot about this game when I was making this list but this battle game set in mid-eval times looks incredible. I heard strategy was a little lacking in the game which withheld me from buying it but looking at it now.....ooooh, so pretty!

1) Mystic Skull
After much deliberation I decided to make this my #1 because it's about sticking the most pins into your opponents voodoo dolls. This game is from the 60's and is really weird if you ask me. What parent back then would want their kid to have this!? I'm guessing it was targeting an older audience but it looks really cool on the table. Maybe one day a copy will be mine!

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